Thursday, May 18, 2017

So here it Starts AGAIN

I was doing so well on my journey and working my business and then IT happened. I got burnt out on everything.  It's like I fell into a depression and I haven't been able to get out.  I haven't wanted to go onto any of my Social Media and haven't been posting at all.  I haven't been getting up to work out.  I have been drinking my shakes still but I really haven't enjoyed them lately, but there is a reason to that.  I have been allergic to Coconut for the longest time but started using Coconut Oil in my shakes (I started with small amount and slowly increased it to about 1 tbsp.) and really enjoy the taste and benefits.  Well a week ago I made a Pina Colada flavored one which I have been doing 2-3 times per week with no issues until I decided to double up on the pineapple and Coconut Extract.  WELL I had an allergic reaction and my tongue swelled and my swelled and just felt weird.  I tried it again and did my  usual dose but felt the swelling begin immediately.  HOW?  Why? When I have been fine.  So anyways, since them I just have had no taste for my shakes and today is the first day I actually went without one.