Saturday, November 29, 2014

Before and After Surgery

Two Day Before Surgery

Two days before surgery I had to start a Clear Liquid Diet.  Broths, jello and lots of water.  I thought this part would be hard as well and it was...just slightly.  I also had to start my Potassium pills 2 a day for 2 days. My nerves still hadn't kicked in. I was going strong and prepared to face surgery with a smile  The day before surgery, Monday, I had to start the bowel preparation. I was expecting this to be horrific based on my ex husbands experience before a colonoscopy. Again, it was a piece of cake. Warning...the clear liquid diet also starts getting your bowels prepped.

Night Before Surgery

Still a trooper. Using the bathroom frequently to both go number 1 and 2.  No nerves yet.  Time for bed and now I'm not tired. However, I have to be up at 4:30 am to leave by 5:15 am to be at the hospital by 6am for 7:30 surgery. So, I read awhile.  Still not nervous.

Day Of Surgery

I wake up before my alarm goes off and I am wide awake and for what ever reason I am NOT nervous. I am excited. Today my life changes for the good. My dearest friend in the world and I get into her Van and off we go to the hospital. We check in and admitting sends us off to the wrong surgery area.  After being told where the correct area is we get to the waiting room and sit.  I'm not sure why but I never did get nervous.  Not even when they called me into the surgery prep area.  They took the necessary blood they needed and put in my IV and then Julie got to come and sit with me until they wheeled me away for surgery.  It's 7:30 and off I go.  It was really cold in the surgery room.  I mean cold like a meat locker.  They put warm blankets on me and said they run a blower of warm air to keep me warm.  This is all I remember until they wake me up at 9 in recovery room. I remember them shaking me awake but only one (1) eye wanted to open.  It took about 10-15 minutes for me to actually wake.  Then they came to take me to my room. It's almost 10:00 and I'm looking forward to seeing Julie. I wanted her to know I was okay and she didn't need to worry about me. I DID IT!


By 12:00 pm they had me up and walking.  I was surprised that I felt as well as I did and figured it was pain killers.  I did one (1) lap with the nurse and told her I was fine to walk on my own. The Doctor requires you to walk at least 30 laps on the surgery floor.  They say it's the equivalent to 1 mile. Well I really wanted to go home so I walked 5 laps.  Rested an hour and then got up and walked 10 more. I was doing so well they started giving me water to make sure I could take it and hold it down.  I was not nauseous or anything. By 9:30 that evening I had walked all 30 and was happy with myself.

Until the next morning when I got up and my calves hurt so bad from walking.  I had overdone it. (By the way according to my IPhone, 30 laps is 3 miles not 1). I was up at 5:30 in the morning and ready to walk again.  I barely made 2 laps my calves were hurting so bad and I was supposed to do another 30 that day.  On the brighter side of things I had NO pain (except my calves lol).  I was eating broth and drinking my fluids with no problem and was told I would be going home.  Around 4:30 my iv's were removed and then came the removal of the drain.  That felt so weird.  Christine got to the hospital at 6 and I was on my way home.

Since being home, I have used NO pain medication because there just isn't any (except my calves were still sore).  Going up and down the stairs is fine. No pain No discomfort.  I guess the hardest part at this point is getting all the fluids in.  A small sip feels you up and you can only take 1 sip every couple of minutes.  Basically I spend my days sipping water.  Lunch is very filling (4 oz of cream of chicken soup) and it takes me about 30 minutes to finish it.

Today my calves are feeling better so I plan on taking a short walk later and will build on to it as I can.  I know the more I exercise the more weight I will lose.

I will post before pictures and pictures of my surgery area in the next day or two.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

5 Days and Counting

Well all but 1 appointment have been completed.  I have been on my liquid diet for 10 days now and still feeling good.  Actually, I have more energy and more bounce in my step.  I'm not so tired, it is lovely.  My blood pressure was incredible yesterday 106/70.  I can't tell you the last time my blood pressure was this good.  I am sure it is due to my diet as well as my excitement for surgery.   They drew 7 vials of blood for preoperative blood work and pricked my finger.  I had to have a chest x-ray and EKG. My 3 hour nutrition class was very informative, but it was pretty much a repeat of what I have learned over the last 6 months doing my classes.

Last night I went to Support Group and once again really enjoyed it....who knew. When I went to my first support group in September I was dreading it thinking it would be boring and how am I going to get through an hour.  Let me tell you....SUPPORT GROUP IS AWESOME!!!! To see and hear from people that have already gone through it...some recently, some within a year and some longer is amazing and helps you so much, as well as the people that are on the same exact path as you are at that moment and some just starting their journey.  You can ask questions and get the answers you need to hear.  Everyone is amazing and so willing to share their stories and success.

I need to go to the pharmacy today to get my prescription filled for the potassium supplement I have to start taking 2 days before surgery and the Tylenol with Codeine elixir for after surgery.  MOST everyone I have spoken with hasn't even needed the pain reliever once home but better to be safe than in a lot of pain.  While there I also need to pick up the bowel cleanser I have to start at 12:00 Noon the day before surgery.  Oh JOY this should be fun...NOT!

I have my second Dr. Appointment with Dr. Quilici on Monday and then I will be having my surgery the next morning.

WOW I am 5 days away from starting my new improved life.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

7 Days on a Liquid Diet

Well I have been on this liquid diet for 7 days and I'm down 10 lbs.  I thought I would have a problem eating the sugar free jello or sugar free pudding because I hate the taste of the artificial flavoring, but I'm surprised to say, I LIKE IT! 

I'm doing a lot better than I thought I would. I was worried about making my son "MY" favorite meals and so far I haven't wanted to cheat at all.  Where I would normally pick while cooking...I had absolutely no desire to do so.  So proud of myself. This is a huge Victory for me.  

Today I have 2 appointments, the first being my Pre-screening and Blood Type Match which is supposed to take anywhere from 1 hour to 1½ hours.  After that I have a 3 hour mandatory meeting with the Dietician.  This appointment I am actually looking forward to.  Tomorrow I have my Pre-Op blood work and chest x-ray with my Primary physician.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Liquid Diet, Appoinments, and Feelings

Well I am on my fourth day of my Liquid Diet and surprisingly I'm doing really well.  I don't find myself starving and when I start to feel hungry I drink water.  All and all, I'm doing great.  I don't even want to cheat.  In my Cream of Chicken Soup I found chunks of chicken and I tossed them out.  I'm sure they wouldn't know that I ate 5 or 6 tiny pieces, but I stuck to bargain and didn't eat them.  This tells me I am definitely ready for my New Better Life to begin.

All my appointments have been made and there are a few.  Who knew I would have so many!  I have 2 appointments on Tuesday, 1 on Wednesday plus Support Group in the evening, and then 1 the following Monday, and finally Surgery on Tuesday.  Have I ever mentioned, I hate going to the doctors.  LOL  I'll take the dentist any day, but the Doctors? 

So when I started my Journey, I didn't want to tell anyone what I was doing other than 5 really close friends.  NOW if anyone asks why I'm having surgery or on my liquid diet, I just blurt it out...."I AM HAVING WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY"!  My friend Julie will be taking me to the hospital and staying with me until they cart me off for surgery.  I have to be at the hospital at 6 AM for surgery at 7:30 AM.  Still not sure how I'm getting home.  Hopefully my friend Porty! 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Appointment, Appointment, Appointment

WOW I am 12 days away from surgery.  The time has gone so fast since the start of my first class.

So I now have all the appointments I need scheduled.  I'm going to be busy. I have appointments the 18th for a 3 hour Nutrition Class, 19th for Pre-Op Blood Work for Surgery and 24th with the Surgeon and Surgery on the 25th at 7:30 am.  I have to be at the hospital at 6AM. 

So I was 307 lbs at my very first class in May and was 293.5 lbs yesterday morning.  This morning I was at 289 but I know that is just water.  I do get hungry but I'm not starving.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Date Has Been Set

Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday November 25, 2014.  I will see my primary doctor on Wed 11/19 for pre-op blood work.  I know I have 1 or 2 other appointments between now and surgery as well.

So as of yesterday, before I started my liquid diet my weight was 293lbs.  Now I want to take pictures and my measurements to chronicle my journey.

Thankfully I Started My Liquid Diet On My Own

Well after still not hearing from the Surgeons office and time coming down to the wire, I made the decision to start the Liquid Diet that I am supposed to be on for 2 weeks prior to surgery on Tuesday.  This would make me eligible for surgery on 11/25/14.

I finally heard from the Surgeons office yesterday afternoon and they finally received authorization for surgery and someone from their office is supposed to call me today to schedule.  As of right now I am anticipating surgery to be on Tuesday 11/25.  With all considered the very last day I could possibly do it is Wednesday and then I'm out of time.  So keep your fingers crossed that I can get in there Tuesday and hopefully home on Wednesday so as no one has to bother picking me up on Thanksgiving.  I'm sure they wouldn't mind, but I would. 

For those that are wondering what my liquid diet consists of, here it is:

1000 calories and minimum of 70 grams of protein Diet

Skim milk, or Lactaid milk (fat free), or Soy Milk
Low fat cream soup (Campbell's fat/low sodium cream soup, or Healthy Choice, or any other low fat cream soup),
Any fruit juice without pulp (apple, cranberry, grape, orange, etc...)
Any vegetable juice (V8, tomato, etc...)
Sugar free pudding
Dannon Lite & Fit Yogurt
No sugar added fudgesicle
Protein Supplement - 

Water                                  Coffee - preferably Decaf
Crystal Light                       Sugar free jello
Diet Snapple                       Sugar free Popsicle
Tea                                      Broth, preferably low sodium- beef, chicken or vegetable

Example of eating schedule:
Breakfast:            1 cup coffee/decaf coffee
                            Creamer and artificial sweetner
                            4 oz (½ cup) orange juice no pulp..................................60 cal
                            8 oz (1 cup) fat free/skim milk.......................................90 cal
                            4 oz sugar free jello

Snack:                 1 can World Wide Pure Protein......................................170 cal / 35 grams protein

Lunch:                 1 cup hot tea with lemon
                            4 oz (½ cup) apple or orange juice..................................60 cal
                            1 cup low fat cream soup.................................................120-150 cal
                            4 oz sugar free jello

Snack:                 4 oz sugar free pudding....................................................70 cal
                            1 bottle Diet Snapple (I prefer to drink water or unsweetend Ice Tea)

Dinner:                1 cup hot tea with lemon
                            1 cup low fat cream soup.................................................120-150 cal
                            4 oz sugar free jello
                            4 oz apple juice.................................................................60 cal

Snack:           1 can World Wide Pure Protein......................................170 cal / 35 grams protein

Yes I'm hungry, but when starting any diet change you get hungry from the loss of calories.  

Friday, November 7, 2014

Frustrasted and Going into Panic Mode

So I still haven't heard from the Surgeons office with a surgery date yet. So I called....They haven't received a response from insurance yet.  Apparently my paperwork wasn't submitted until Wednesday and said it usually takes 5 business days for approval.  The only problem with that is I have other stuff that needs to be done plus 2 weeks of a liquid diet prior to surgery making it look like surgery Thanksgiving week.  Which I'm fine with, but I am running out of time and starting to panic.  Surgery has to be done by November 30th.  My new insurance goes into effect as of December 1st and I don't know how much that covers or if it evens covers it.  Prayers that all goes as planned.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I'm thinking this is the worst part...waiting for the surgery date to be scheduled.  The surgeons office have submitted my paperwork to insurance and are waiting for the approval for surgery.  Then they will call me to schedule.  There is still stuff to do prior to surgery so I am really starting to get impatient. I almost feel like starting the liquid diet now so that I am that more prepared, but for now I am waiting for the word.

I have started eating healthier and stocking my shelves for the upcoming eating changes. I still need to go buy my protein and supplements.  I know I was supposed to do that last weekend, but I got busy.  Maybe I will do that this weekend.